Conference Papers

Quaker relief work in France. World War 1 Voluntary Action Society Canterbury July 2010 Women’s Role in the Culture & Work of the League of Nations. Social History Society Glasgow April 2010 Putting Education in it Place Education and the League of Nations History of Education Society Sheffield December 2009 Women and Voluntary Medical Relief in the Great War. Voluntary Action History Society Conference Liverpool July 2008 ‘Near Eastern Boundaries, Conflict Armenian Refugees and Culture’ Social History Conference Erasmus University Rotterdam March 2008
Dr Katherine Storr
A social and Culture Historian
Katherine Storr has focused on British Women’s in the late 19th and early 20th Century and Refugees
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WildSide Nature Reserve

Conference Papers

Quaker relief work in France. World War 1 Voluntary Action Society Canterbury July 2010 Women’s Role in the Culture & Work of the League of Nations. Social History Society Glasgow April 2010 Putting Education in it Place Education and the League of Nations History of Education Society Sheffield December 2009 Women and Voluntary Medical Relief in the Great War. Voluntary Action History Society Conference Liverpool July 2008 ‘Near Eastern Boundaries, Conflict Armenian Refugees and Culture’ Social History Conference Erasmus University Rotterdam March 2008

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